A LOVE ODYSSEY is an intense and life-affirming story of the difficult love between two people challenged by ambitions of wanting to save mankind from destruction by reaching the deepest place on earth, at the bottom of the ocean....
Eternal life technology (transferring mind to new body) is developed by 2 panies. Resistance to the merger of the 2 panies is met with kidnapping and murder.</p>...
布莱杰(拉奇•布鲁•史密斯 Lucky Blue Smith 饰)拥有先天性的心脏病,这也就意味着,他有可能在他人生中的任何一秒病发死亡。唯一能够拯救他生命的手段就是进行心脏移植手术。布莱杰的父亲很早就离开了他,是母亲海伦(艾米丽·普格特 Emily Procter 饰)一直不离不弃的照顾着他。...
音浪滚滚,群魔乱舞的夜店内,目睹男友出轨的艾莲娜(艾玛·费兹帕特里克 Emma Fitzpatrick 饰)无意中掣动某开关,致使寻欢场所顿时化作绞肉地狱,无数男女惨遭屠戮,搜尸者(Randall Archer 饰)静观这一血腥残酷场景,并在最终时刻虏走艾莲娜。混乱之中,饱经磨难的阿金(乔什·斯图沃特 Josh Stewart 饰)侥幸逃脱。正当他待在医院接受治疗时,受某富翁之托的警方找上门来,要求阿金在48小时之内找到艾伦娜。...